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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Finding & Recruiting Diverse Employees

Every organization will recruit employees at some point. Chances are a vacancy may arise as a result of someone leaving a post or retiring from the post, and etc.  Recruitment is one of the most costly, and time taking operation.
Since recruitment is costly, and time taking operations organizations want to ensure that they invest their money in the right employees.  In this age of diversity hiring thr right employees at the right time is very importan.

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The above video shows several tips on how to find and recruit the right employees.
Some of the tips which the video covers are mainly

  • Organization must understand the job. This means that the organization must understand the job requirements. They should have proper job descriptions such as duties, tasks, responsibilities sketched out for their selection process.
  • Ask the right questions. The recruiter must ask questions which fits with the job description, and etc.
  • Be proactive. Try to establish a connection with people, and other businesses.
  • Make strong relationships with under representative individuals.
  • Make your presence known in the community by attending several events, and etc. 

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