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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Retaining Employees In A Diverse Workforce

Retaining employees is very important and many organizations have to battle with this decisions “how to retain employees?”

Why organizations struggle to retain the employees?

Well the answer is simple; in today’s diverse economic climate, employee turnover is expensive. When employees leave or are made redundant; organizations then have to spend large amount of time and money to fill the spot.

There are several ways through which organizations can retain employees in this age where diverse workforce is everything and everywhere. Numerous ways to retain employees are:- reteaining employees, Take some time to find out who they are and learn about their talents and abilities, provide competitive compensation, and balance their work and personal lives.

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The above video provides several tips/ steps to retain employees in the diverse workforce. These are mainly as follows;

  • Introduce employees to key staff across the organization.
  • Share information on mission and corporate culture with the employees.
  • Include employees in workplace activities, such as company events, and etc.
  • Become more in tune to cultural and communication differences. Bear in mind that everyone is different and should treated equally as other employees.
  • Constantly take feedback from the employees about how they feel about the organization and how things can be approved.
  • Learn a couple of things about employees’ culture and provide them with constitutional rights such as day offs on important holidays, and etc.
  • Provide mentorships opportunities to the employees so that they are exposed to at all levels of management of an organization.


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