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Friday, January 27, 2012

Advantages of diversity in workforce

 Previously I talked about what is diversity and how it is becoming more common in this century around the globe. There were several factors which made diversity possible; for instance; Immigration, technology, and etc. Its not easy to bring diversity in an organization. It requires commitments from all the departments as well as commitments from the top.

Today many organization and individuals ask is diversity in the workforce important. Well the answer is simple, YES. Diversity in workforce is a great way to enhance the organization's responsiveness to an increasingly diverse world of customers, improve relations with the surrounding community, increase the organization's ability to cope with change, and expand the creativity of the organization.

There are many advantages of diversity in workforce:-
  1. Diversity often gives competitive advantages to the organizations in many ways, like,sourcing people from a diverse background is an essential part of a successful employment strategy.
  2. Workers who differ in age, gender, ability, sexual orientation, socioeconomic upbringing or culture, ethnicity and language, make a positive contribution to an organization’s workforce — they’re an asset to company culture and the bottom line.
  3.  A diverse workforce brings innovative and creative elucidations to an organization from ‘outside the box’.
This clearly shows how diversity effects businesses. It makes organizations healthier in terms of productivity, ideas, and innovation.

The following video gives an example how businesses in Singapore are embracing a diversified workforce and how diversity in the workforce have enable them to succeed.

Click here


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