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Saturday, February 4, 2012

Disadvantages of Increasing Diverse Work Force

It is said that a diverse workforce is a great source for organizations to achieve competitive advantage. It allows bringing in new ideas, innovation and above all a diverse work force is an asset to company's bottom line. However, there are several disadvantages of diversified workforce, and If not managed properly then it can become a lethal weapon against the organization. 

Several disadvantages that occur due to diverse workforce are mainly:-

  •  Reversed discrimination.
  • Cultural problems/ cultural barriers.
  • Language barriers.
Reverse discrimination:-  it means,  engaging in movements that have a negative influence or that disfavour somebody who was traditionally in a majority position. 

Example of reverse discrimination can be: - when an employer hires men instead of women, even when the women are far more qualified in terms of education, skills, etc.

Cultural problems/ cultural barriers: - are triggered by mental reactions that people have to seeing certain actions or practices. These reactions can certainly vary greatly from individual to individual. Cultural problems are mainly based on different religion, personal appearance, thinking, behaviours, and interpretation. 

 Example of cultural problems can be: -   in many countries, women are subordinate to men. Working in an American business, women from these countries may feel they should defer to their male counterparts or should not speak to or even look directly in the eyes of their male supervisors, managers or co-workers.

Language barriers: - are the complications faced when people who have no language in common attempt to communicate with others.

Example of language barriers:-  for instance foreign workers or immigrants working in English speaking often find it difficult to communicate with their supervisors and subordinates in a workplace.


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