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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Challenges of Diversity

When it comes to diversifying a workforce, organizations often have to tackle several challenges other then reversed discrimination, cultural problems/ cultural barriers, and Communication Problem (which I have discussed earlier under disadvantages of increasing diverse workforce), there are other challenges which are left unnoticed and if these challenges are not confronted on time organizations can be sued for millions, or they can have a high labour turnover which in result will affect the company image.

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Some of the unnoticed challenges are mainly:-
  • Mistrust and tensions
  • Stereotyping
  • Lower cohesiveness
  • Unexamined assumptions
  •  Communication problems (already discussed 
1. Mistrust and tensions: -
People prefer to associate with others who are like themselves. This tendency often leads to mistrust and misunderstanding of those who are different because of lack of contact and low familiarity. It also causes stress and tension, and reaching agreement on problems can be difficult.
2. Stereotyping: -
This occurs, because group members often inappropriately stereotype their different colleagues rather than accurately perceiving, and evaluating individual’s contributions, capabilities aspirations and motivations. Such stereotypes in return affect how people employee stereotyped as unmotivated or emotional will be given less -stress – provoking jobs than their coworkers. Those job assignments will create frustrated employees, perhaps resulting in, low commitment higher turnover, and underused skills.

3. Lower cohesiveness:-
People often prefer to work with their homogeneous groups. Working with diverse group members often causes delays in problem solving, there can be slow decision making and several disagreements as well. 

4. Unexamined assumptions:-
Often many employees fail to involve their group members into the discussions. They often misjudge their fellow colleagues based on their, colour, religion, and race, etc.  this has a significant, negative  impact on the organizations.

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