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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Implementing A Diverse Workforce

Many organizations ask one question " How to implement a diverse workforce?"

When organizations want to implement a diverse work force they should take several steps to ensure success. The steps are mainly

  1. Create a programme: - First managers or organization must create diverse workforce programme. This programme must incorporate policies and different acts including provincial and federal acts to support the employees and to avoid any harmful consequences.
  2. Review the programme: - The organization must ensure that programme follows and provides all the support to their employees and ensure that rules are clear and easy to understand.
  3. Informing: - It is the organizations duty to inform and educate the employees how this programme will affect the work environment and the people around them.
  4. Training: - Organizations should create training programs and workshops to give employees an experience about the diverse workforce and the environment. Managers must also be trained so that their decisions and strategies are more ethical.
  5. Evaluate and adjust: - After implementing the programme the organization must evaluate the results. If successful they can carry on with the programme, if not then several adjustments must be made to make the programme work.

So in the end do you think implementing a diverse workforce programme is important?

For external resources and to read more click here

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