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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Managing a Diverse Workforce

Managing diversity is an important aspect of a company’s interests. Many organizations have adopted and implemented a diverse workforce programme, however implementing a diverse workforce programme is not enough, it has to be managed properly to ensure successful results. According to Courtney Elizabeth Anderson “managing diversity is one of the most important skills”. In order to do so there are several ways through which diversity can be managed successfully, such as:

First managers should be trained properly on basic discrimination laws. They should know that there are provincial and federal laws that bound them to manage diversity.  

Now back to the example of Canada.  In Canada employers are legally obligated to ensure a discrimination-free workplace. A suitable accommodation should be provided to the employees regardless of their; age, race, colour, gender, and disabilities, etc.

The picture shows 

Secondly, organizations must put people with leadership skills, and leadership positions.  This will mainly ensure that the working environment is superior, goals are achieved on time, and all employees have freedom to practice their cultures, and etc. 

Thirdly Managers and leaders must ensure that they communicate effectively with their subordinates. Often communication is not always based on words, it can be based on; body language, tone, etc. therefore managers must keep in mind that mode of communication can mean different things to different people i.e. in a diverse workforce where everyone is different.

And in the end organizations must Integrate the above steps that are; leadership, training, and communication skills. If any of these steps are not integrated managing the workforce will not be successful.  

The following video by Courtney Elizabeth Anderson shows how to manage a diverse workforce. According to her; training, communication, leadership, and integration are important steps to which should be incorporated into the corporate management, and culture

Click here to go to the video URL

To read more click here.

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