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Thursday, March 1, 2012

Dealing With Cultural Diversity Issues at The Workplace

In this new working economy employers employ workers from different cultures and thus these employees brings new sets of identities and behaviours.  Often many employers fail to bring together a diverse cultural professional team. There are times when employees are harassed or simply discriminated based on their colour, race, religion and etc. In addition to this glass ceiling effects often exist in many companies and therefore employers have to face many cultural issues and challenges. 

Dealing with cultural issues has become employer’s number one priority especially in the developed countries where both provincial and federal laws bounds organizations to have diversity and provide equality to their workers. Since everyone is from a different culture, communicating effectively with the employees has become more important than ever. People with different cultural backgrounds means that it is not necessarily that they speak English.  The employers must make sure that they communicate effectively. They should review their policies such as; work rules, etc. Dress codes can be modified to account for cultural norms and traditions this in return creates a comfortable rapport and environment for the employees. Employers can use interpreters to assist foreign workers where necessary. Side by side training employees to cope with other cultural backgrounds can also be done in order to deal these issues. Employers can further more train foreign employee’s standards of behaviour, and how business transacts and the expectation from them. Failure to do so can create implications on the employers.

The above video clearly illustrates the importance of diversity. It also claims that diversity does not only depicts differences but also depicts similarities and as a result of this employers must make sure that the employees are able to follow their culture and norms as well as they are treated equally.


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